Outdoor Worship with Communion on Aug 1st
Join us this Sunday, August 1st, at 9:30 AM, either in-person in our Outdoor Sanctuary or livestreamed online on our website – right on this page below!
As the first Sunday of the month, we will observe Holy Communion as a part of this service – the first time to do so gathered in-person since March of 2020. We have sealed, self-contained elements for those worshipping with us in-person. It looks to be a beautiful morning, so please join us in-person if you’re able.
Those who bless and receive the sacrament at home, please prepare food for yourself and those with you as a celebration of the family we have become around Christ’s table. It may be a slice or roll of bread, a corn tortilla, Naan, or rice cake and a cup of juice — perhaps grape or cranberry — or wine, with or without alcohol, and it may be closer to a meal.
The Israelites are having a rough time in the Wilderness and they’re not shy about letting Moses and Aaron how they feel. God’s provision isn’t a reward for good behavior; it’s just who God is.