VIDEO: Easter Sunday Worship Apr 12 2020
Sad, afraid, and looking for Jesus. Sound familiar? Easter in the middle of a pandemic has much in common with the first Easter Sunday in our livestreamed worship from April 12th, 2020.
The Revised Common Lectionary text is John 20:1-18. Thanks to Henry for reading our scripture this morning.
Thank you so much to our musicians:
- Lucas Nyberg (trumpet) and Brent Nyberg (piano) who played “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”
- Jen Popowitch who played:
“The Day of Resurrection” for flute and piano (public domain)
“Now the Green Blade Rises” Music (public domain) / Words – ©1928 Oxford University Press - Margot Downey who played:
“Jesus Christ is Risen Today” (public domain)
“Joy Dawned Again on Easter Day” (public domain)
“In the Garden” (public domain)
Permission to podcast/stream the copyrighted music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-715004