To Begin at the Beginning
“Refresher Course” on Christian Faith for adults starts October 30th
You might come to church regularly, or maybe it’s been a while. You’ve got questions like what do Christians believe? What do I believe… about God? about Jesus? and what about the Holy Spirit?
Beginning on Wednesday, October 30th, Pastor Alex will be starting a new program of Adult Education based on Martin Copenhaver’s To Begin at the Beginning: An Introduction to the Christian Faith. Because few people these days are willing or able to make any more long-standing commitments, this program is designed to be made up of manageable chunks. The class will be just 90 minutes (6:30-8:00pm) for four Wednesday nights and will cover the first unit of the book: The God We Worship and Serve.
Here’s an excerpt from the book’s introduction:
Let me describe the kind of person for whom this book is intended. I assume that you are someone who is looking for a basic introduction to Christian faith and practice. As a child, you may have gone through all the levels of church school and even collected a few perfect-attendance awards along the way, but at this point in your life you want to start from the beginning and get a background in the basics. You now want to explore what you may have learned once. The material may be the same, but you are different now.
Sound interesting? Register at this link. These classes will be held in Room 204 of the church (Adult Ed) Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm beginning on October 30th and concluding on November 20th. Feel free to bring and eat your dinner during the class if you like.
The book can be purchased from Amazon at this link and you can even save money by purchasing a used copy if you choose. We will order a copy for you if you indicate that in the comments on your registration. Please read the Introduction and first chapter, The God of Creation and Covenant, prior to the first class.